1, Why is Mount Fuji a powerful force in Japan 2. What are the discoveries of the 20th century? 3, What are the major inventions of the twentieth century Why is Mount Fuji a po...

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Why is Mount Fuji a powerful force in Japan

The manager asked the lady why, and the lady smiled, "When you go to Osaka, Mount Fuji is on your right, and when you return to Tokyo, the mountain appears on your left." I think foreigners like the view of Mount Fuji in Japan, so I bought you a ticket for a different seat." The German manager was so moved by such an insignificant incident that he increased his trade with the company from 4 million to 12 million marks.

This is what I think about the devouring ability: in animationIn the finale, Mikasa was killed by the ape Giants, and Alan, who possessed the power of the three Giants, fought against the power of the six Giants. Eventually he succeeded in defeating and devouring the power of the other six Giants. Let the other giants use their bodies as a barrier around the lava, and they use their bodies to block the magma hole, and eventually form Japan's Mount Fuji.

> So China's Russia and India and other 13 countries held joint military exercises near the Sea of Japan, while China's type 055 guided missile destroyer combined with a number of ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet to form a joint cruise fleet, strategic cruise near the waters of Japan, Japan and the United StatesChina's military force has carried out a powerful deterrent, and it also represents that China and Russia will jointly face the threat from the United States and Japan.

· Sand split body: Create a split body with sand · Sand instant body: Move with sand · sand tied coffin: Quickly approach the opponent with sand to wrap the target in the sand can not act, and then use strong pressure to crush the opponent to death.

Japanese mythology archetype: 4-tailed chicken/snake mixture, lower half snake, upper half chicken, crawling on the ground (like the scorpion of red sand), mainly orange, living in the valley Ability: can control poison, poison, venom and other tail animal forcesQuantity ranking: 9 tail beast Chakra quantity ranking: 6 Symbol code: Poison original residence/was found: Tokyo Fuji-Shishancho people column force will use similar blood following the boundary of the melting and hiding, is the rock endurance.

What are the discoveries of the 20th century?

On October 4, 1957, the world's first man-made Earth satellite was successfully launched by the Soviet Union. The rocket carrying the satellite gained the necessary orbital speed of around 8,000 meters per second. It is calculated that the satellite is 90 above the ground0 km altitude operation; It takes one hour and 35 minutes to make a full revolution, and the Angle of inclination between its orbit and the equatorial plane is 65 degrees.

2, invented airplanes, computers, television, etc., found DNA, penicillin and so on. The airplane is one of the most important inventions of the early 20th century. It is credited to the American Wright brothers. Their flight on 17 December 1903 was recognised by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) as "the first controlled sustained powered flight by a heavier-than-air aircraft", and in the same year they founded the Wright Aircraft Company.

Television: The birth of television is one of the greatest inventions of mankind in the 20th century. Nylon: Nylon is the world's first developed a synthetic fiber. Plastic: The invention of plastic can be called a masterpiece of the 20th century. Airplane: One of the most important inventions of the 20th century was the birth of the airplane.

The atomic bomb destroyed the earth in August 1945DORA's Box was opened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, at a time when the international community was intent on overwhelming each other with this powerful weapon of deadly destruction. The famous British bacteriologist, Professor Alexander Fleming, first invented the world-famous penicillin in 1928, and later through the further research and improvement of the British pathologist Florey and the German biologist Chain, began to be used in clinical practice in 1941, and gradually promoted in 1943. Penicillin is widely regarded as the third major invention of World War II, alongside the atomic bomb and radar.

kernelWeapons: The result of major developments in science and technology around the 1940s. In early 1939, the German chemist O. Hahn and the physical chemist F. Strassmann published a paper on the phenomenon of nuclear fission in uranium. Within a few weeks, scientists in many countries verified the discovery, opening up vast prospects for using this new energy source to create wealth for mankind. As early as the 15th century, Greek doctors used the powder ground from willow bark as an herbal version of the original aspirin. By the end of the century, this formula for reducing physical pain received unprecedented attention, and the German pharmaceutical company Bayer created"The trademark "Aspirin" became synonymous with the prescription, and in the increasingly busy modern society of the 20th century, the round white pill aspirin played an indispensable role.