1, Edison's difficulty in making a light bulb 2, Edison data 3, Edison invented what, Edison invented the story of the light bulb Difficulties encountered by Edison in making t...

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Difficulties encountered by Edison in making the light bulb Edison and his team encountered challenges in using white gold as a filament material, although the material has a high melting point, but the light of the lamp often goes out and then ignites again, which is not ideal. Faced with unsatisfactory results, Edison did not give up, but continued the experiment. He tried a variety of rare metals such as barium, titanium, and occlusion, but none of them had the desired effect.

2. In the process of inventing the light bulb, Thomas Alva Edison encountered somethingMultiple challenges and frustrations: Finding the right filament material: Edison experimented with more than 1,600 different materials to create a filament, looking for something that could withstand high temperatures and emit light continuously. Uncertainty of financial support: In the early research phase, Edison faced a shortage of funds.

3, Edison in the invention of the light bulb encountered frustration is: can not find the right material to do the filament. Research funding is not guaranteed. In order to invent the electric light, Edison established the world's first technology laboratory, putting the creation of technology on the basis of science. He's in the tech lab, using charcoal strips, nails, gridsTo make a filament, he tested more than 1,600 materials before and after, but all failed.

4, however, due to the high cost of light bulbs made of platinum materials, the price is expensive, which limits its market acceptance. People are not willing to pay a lot of money for lights that only last two hours. Edison was looking at a cotton scarf when he suddenly got the idea that cotton fiber might be a better material choice. He immediately removed a cotton fiber from the scarf and carefully installed it in the glass bubble, with great success.

5. Edison was not discouraged and continued his experimentAnd electrical engineering research laboratories to carry out patents for inventions that have a significant impact on the world.

ThomasAlvaEdison (Thomas Alvaedison) is a world-famous American electrician and inventor, he in addition to the phonograph, electric light, telephone, telegraph, film and other aspects of the invention and contribution, in mining, construction, chemical industry and other fields also have a lot of famous creation and insight. Edison created about two thousand inventions in his life, and made great contributions to human civilization and progress.

Edison is one of the first people in human historyA man who used mass production principles and an electrical engineering research laboratory to patent inventions that had a profound impact on the world. His invention of the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the electric light had a great impact on the world.

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931) was born in Milan, Ohio, and died in West Orange, New Jersey. Inventors, entrepreneurs. [1] Edison was the first laboratory in human history to utilize the principles of mass production and research in electrical engineeringPeople who patent inventions and have a profound impact on the world.

ThomasAlvaEdison (February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931) was born in Milan, Ohio, and died in West Orange, New Jersey. Inventors, entrepreneurs. Edison was the first person in human history to use the principle of mass production and the laboratory of electrical engineering research to patent inventions and have a profound impact on the world.

ThomasAlva EdisonEdison (February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931) was born in Milan, Ohio, and died in West Orange, New Jersey. A world-renowned inventor, physicist and entrepreneur, he is known as the "King of world invention".

What Edison invented, the story of Edison's invention of the light bulb

British scientists David and Faraday invented the electric arc lamp. This electric lamp uses a carbon rod as a filament. Although it can emit bright light, but the light is harsh, power consumption,It's not practical. So Edison made up his mind: "We must invent a kind of soft light, so that thousands of households can use it."

The story of Edison's invention of electric light: Edison summed up the failure experience of predecessors in the manufacture of electric light, developed a detailed test plan. He conducted experiments in two aspects: one was to classify more than 1,600 different heat-resistant materials; The second is to improve the evacuation equipment to ensure that the lamp has a high vacuum. In addition, he also conducted research on new generators and circuit shunt systems. In the early 19th century, people began to use gas lamps, but their safety was poor.

EddieAt the beginning of the 19th century, people began to use gas lamps, but they were not safe and very prone to accidents. Although the arc lamp was invented in the back, there are still many shortcomings, so Edison secretly made up his mind: "We must invent a soft light lamp, so that thousands of households can use it." The story of Edison's invention of the light bulb begins in the late 19th century. At that time, people's lighting methods were mostly the use of kerosene lamps, candles or gas lamps, which had many problems, such as burning will produce harmful gases and fire risks. Edison began his research and practice against this backgroundCheck. His goal was to invent a safe, reliable and efficient lighting device. To this end, he spent several years conducting extensive research and experiments.

Later, he successively invented the automatic ticket counting machine, the first practical typewriter, double and quadruple telegraph, automatic telephone and phonograph. With these inventions Edison was not satisfied, in September 1878, Edison decided to launch an attack on the fortress of electric lighting. He read a lot of books on electric lighting and was determined to make electric lights that were cheap, durable, safe and convenient. He started his experiment with a white heat lamp.