1. Answer to the Grade 5 Chinese Book supplement 2, Fifth grade pupils Chinese. Math problems (high reward, easy to solve 3, Which is better, wired vacuum cleaner or cordless vac...

Wireless desk and chair can charge Apple 12 (Wireless charging desk)

Answers to the supplementary exercises in the first volume of Grade 5 Chinese

1, Su teaching version of the fifth grade language (above) 1 Huangguoshu waterfall supplementary exercise answer gap, chest, indulge, hide, masterpiece, hanging, separated, mountain back valley should (gap right upper half, separated word right half lower) part, one, strip, width, block, hong, respect, film, Taiwan (frame) surge, send, sprinkle, play, attack, excited (why not ripple) although, but, so.

2, search: How to cooperate with the restoration of color? Sichuan pepper: How to coordinate the reluctant foliage? Transparent shiny agile, white and tender tight patterns delicate. Socks subtly shake, stretch, look up, flutter, grab, draw, natural coordination. In front of a pair of transparent bright big eyes, like two pepper seeds as black and bright. Back, head, feet, tail, cicada tail.

3, skip. Slight. Fill in the blanks according to the text. Eloquence, writing, eloquence. I was fascinated. I was there. Fascinating. Spring rain little, moist. Thousands of stories, the young, the literary, the endThe grace of unforgettable teacher Tian's teachings. Difference: Life, life. Life: this life in this world; This life; Lifelong correlation. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is a pearl in the northwest of the motherland. The Mogao Grottoes are a world-famous treasure house of art... Total start - description - summary link. Some students not only made their own answers without thinking, but also copied the teacher's answers wrong. Carrying a flower basket on the arm, picking flowers; Embrace the pipa, gently pluck the silver string; Hung down from heaven; In small groups, whispering; Stop and stare at the Milky Way.

Fifth grade pupils Chinese. Math problems (high reward, easy to solve)

Venice is a world-famous water city. Mathematics: The question says that "the red is used up by a quarter", and the red ribbon is 7 meters long, we can figure out what is a quarter of 7, the formula is: 7/ (divided by) 4=75 meters. Also, "Yellow used a quarter of a meter", how much is a quarter of a meter? The formula is: 1/4=0.25 m.

2. All the students took the math and Chinese exams, and 12 of them got 100 points in Chinese.There were 17 students who scored 100 in mathematics and 26 who did not score 100 in either subject.

3, primary school fifth grade math final questions (1) class name score fill in the blank. (24 min) Both cuboids and cubes have () faces, () edges, and () vertices. A cube is a () cuboid. A cuboid has at most () equal surface area and at most () equal edge length.

4, the first question, set up equations to solve practical problems, let students understand the characteristics and value of the equation; Second, the application of the least common multiple in real life; Problem number three, fractionalThe use of meaning and unit "1", and permeate gratitude education; Fourth, the application of circumference calculation in practical life; Fifth, compare the scores and place them in "KFC" to stimulate students' interest in solving the problem. 】 ★ This topic is optional.

5, the fifth grade of primary school math problem - journey problem Passenger and cargo two cars at the same time from A and B stations relative out, the bus per hour 54 kilometers, truck per hour 48 kilometers, the two cars meet and then forward at the original speed, after arriving at the other station immediately return, the two cars meet again when the bus than the truck more than 26 kilometers. How many kilometers are the two stations apart? answerid=' Which is better, cordless vacuum cleaner or cordless vacuum cleaner? '> Which is better, cordless or cordless?

Corded vacuum cleaner has more suction. It can absorb relatively heavy dirt. But it's wired, so it's not easy to use. Changing rooms requires a one-time plug change, and the wires are easier to wrap around and drag back and forth. Cordless vacuum cleaner suction is relatively small. The relative weight of the suction is light dirt, but it is convenient to use because it is wireless, wireless is not bound, you can use it freely.

Cordless vacuum cleaner OK. Usage: wired vacuum cleanerIt needs to be plugged in and used, and it needs to find sockets and power cords during use, while cordless vacuum cleaners can be used anytime and anywhere, and even leave the power supply for cleaning. This makes cordless vacuum cleaners more convenient and can easily clean different corners of the home. Cleaning effect: Wired vacuum cleaners are usually more powerful and can more thoroughly clean the floor, carpet and sofa and other household furniture.

Convenience: cordless vacuum cleaner is not bound by wires, and it is more convenient to use; Wired vacuum cleaners need to consider the length of the wire and the scope of use, which is relatively troublesome. Cleaning effect: The wired vacuum cleaner can always be powered, with stronger suction andLonger lasting cleaning capacity; Cordless vacuum cleaner battery power is weak, the suction generated is also weak.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wired vacuum cleaner The power of a wired vacuum cleaner is very stable, because it is powered directly by a wire power supply. Therefore, when people use a wired vacuum cleaner to suck dust, its suction is very stable, and the suction is strong, and there is no electricity halfway through the work, and there is no need to replace the battery. In addition, the dust box of the wired vacuum cleaner is very large, and dust debris does not need to be cleaned once in half an hour, and the cleaning interval is long.

Vacuum cleaner wireless good or wired good in general, I recommend that you buyA wired vacuum cleaner, because a cordless vacuum cleaner is not as good as a wired dust cleaner, that is the suction. The power of the wireless vacuum cleaner battery is limited, but also to control the horsepower output, like the wireless vacuum cleaner motor power can easily reach more than 1200 watts, the suction is two or three times stronger than the wireless, and the cleaning ability is much stronger.

To pay attention to the use of experience, the wireless vacuum cleaner is actually much better, the suction of the wireless vacuum cleaner is actually very good, not worse than the wired vacuum cleaner, the use of it will be a lot of flexibility. However, the shortcomings of the wireless vacuum cleaner are still obvious, and the battery life is oneA major defect, may not be enough to support the large house cleaning, daily light use is still no problem.